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What you say & What you don't say....

Good morning life speaking, life speaker!

What you say and what you don’t say….

What you say and what you do not say are both very important. As a life speaker, you strive to continuously speak life living words out of your mouth, even when those time arise that cause you to want to speak contrary. Proper speech is not only saying the right words at the right time, but it is also controlling (self-control) your desire to say what you shouldn’t.

The tongue is hard to tame therefore it has to be intentional. Is what you about to say true? Is it necessary to say it? Is it kind? What is the motive behind why you need to say this or that? Is what you are not saying enabling someone to live outside of their purpose? There are many questions to ask yourself before speaking or not speaking. This is why we should take a moment to think before we speak and not have loose lips. Do not have lips so quick to gossip, manipulate, complain, exaggerate, lie…

I encourage you today to pay attention to your words. Your word matters! Speak life! Speak life! Speak life… words of life heal, deliver, set free, comforts, and so much more. So choose this day to check your speech before you open your mouth. What you say and what you don’t say matters!


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