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Good morning life speaking, life speaker!

“A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can RECOVER when they fall.” –Serena Williams

How many times have you failed and just stopped at what you were trying to accomplish? How many times have you failed and beat yourself up for failing? How many times have you failed and took on the identity that you are a loser and can’t do nothing right? How many times have you failed and listened to someone else opinion that caused you to not go back and try again?

You are not the only one that has not accomplished on conquered something the first time around. You are not the first one to quit and stop trying. You are not going to be the last one that fails. Failure is a teacher, therefore it is necessary in growth and becoming.

Think about a baby learning to walk, how many times does that baby fall down as they keep trying to master the walk? Does the baby falling down stop them from trying? No. Does the baby falling down stop the parents from believing their child is going to walk? No. Matter of face every time the baby tries and tries again, they are encouraged, assisted, motivated, and cheered on and more in the process.

So today I want to encourage you that there IS a CHAMPION inside of you, but you go to stop accepting defeat. If nobody is around to encourage you, ENCOURAGE YOURSELF, pick yourself up and try again. Go after it! Don’t quit! There is a reason you have that vision, dream, the gift, ability and talent and it is not to sit on it and allow it to become dormant. It’s for you to GO! Do! Be! And BECOME! Waste no more time! I am your encouragement today.

Make today a great day!


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