Good morning I am Living Life Speaker!
Today is a new season; let the fire come forth out of you. Since I was asked this question by someone special on yesterday, I am using it for today. “I TELL God that I surrender all to Him but I am not totally sure that I am/have; how do I know that I have totally surrendered all to Him?” (if you missed yesterday message go read it – “Surrender and Rescue”)
I say to those of you today who have spoken it out of your mouth but are unsure if you have totally surrendered it all to God. You know when you have surrendered it to Him when it's about His will and way and not your own.
We say with our mouths that we turn it all over to God and when situations come up then we back on relying on our own strength and knowledge to get through, when He wants to carry the weight and the burdens.
Surrendering is a process... and it's continual. Each day just like renewing our minds we make the choice when we get up to surrender the day to Him... so regardless of what is happening around us we have already given it over to Him.
We begin to sink when we allow what we won't surrender to grow and manifest and we do nothing about it... God wants it all! God wants us to surrender everything to Him.
Sing it if you know it: All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give, I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live I surrender all, I surrender all, All to Thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all!