Become a Better Version of You!

Good morning I am becoming a better version of me, life speaker!
What are you doing to become a better version of yourself today? It’s not too late to begin today. You may have made some bad decisions on yesterday or last week, but today is a great time to start new. The word says, If ANY man be in Christ Jesus, HE IS a NEW creation, OLD THINGS have passed away and BEHOLD ALL THINGS have BECOME NEW. So today you can BECOME NEW!
Where you were is not where you have to settle.
Where you were is not where you have to continue to be.
Where you were is not your destiny.
I speak to inner you that is ambitious, determined, motivated, BOLD, Courageous… I speak to the faith in you and tell it to ARISE and GO! When you Focus, When you use Discipline, When you move (Action), then you will walk out who you are designed to be. Faith without works is dead. So just wanting it, is not enough. You have to pursue and go after it. What are you willing to do today to get what you desire? It’s time to get up and MOVE!
A Better Version of You is ARISING!