All of you.....
Good morning SUBMISSIVE Life Speaker!
All of you…..
“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one [the only God]! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and with all your soul and with all your strength [your entire being].” Deuteronomy 6:4-5
ALL OF YOU. In order to give all of you, you must surrender all of yourself to Him. Parts of you will not do. We cannot just surrender the parts we pick and choose and think things are going to line up and work out. We must give ourselves TOTALLY over to the King.
We cannot put ourselves on pause or hold just in case we may want to go back to where we were, or think something is going to work in our past, that we were supposed to let go last year. It’s time out for all that. We must LOSE ourselves in Him. It is time to YIELD, SUBMIT and ABANDON us for HIM.
That reservation of yourself that you have for relationships, your children, your marriage, your job, your health, your finances, it all belongs to God. Turn it over to Him so that when you submit everything attached to you falls in alignment with your obedience to surrender.
He wants it all. Will you give ALL of you today? Tomorrow is not promised so make that decision today.