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Whatever the RISKS....

Good morning WITNESSING Life Speaker!

Whatever the RISKS……

Whatever the risks, realize and know that NOTHING done for God is ever wasted. What would you risks? Would you risks your reputation, popularity, rejection, persecution, being liked, being talked about, friends, and loved ones?

We know that in the bible days and even in some countries now they risked being killed and/or sent to jail for spreading the Gospel. We have the freedom in America to witness about Christ and do we open our mouths and do so?

When we truly look at the risks, they seem to be more about us than about pleasing God. If we focusing on others liking us or talking about us then we are unfocused. If we are focusing on being rejected as my pastor says, you have made it about you. Jesus was even rejected, so why not you?

If we make it about not being popular or having a Holy Roller reputation we have also missed it. It’s all about pleasing God. NO matter what people have to say or call or you, it’s only what you answer to that matters.

You may not reach 5000 but would you risks it for just one? Would you risks being liked for one person? Would you risks rejection for one person? Would you risks being popular for one person?

Take time today to think about the risks that you are taking and know that nothing that you do for God is ever wasted. Amen!

Command your day to be GREAT and go make it GREAT!


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