What you WANT might not be what you NEED...
Good morning MORE THAN A CONQUEROR Life Speaker!
What you want might not be what you need…
A man LAME from his mother’s womb was carried and laid daily at the gate called Beautiful to ask for ALMS (money, charity) from those that entered the temple. He strategically laid where the most people would pass by, so that he could hopefully receive more. Okay, let’s say he made good money daily laying there, but his mindset was captive/imprisoned because what he needed he was not seeking but what he wanted he begged for.
You cannot lay at the gate any longer continuously asking for give me, give me, and give me because God has something greater in store for you that’s much better. Now I am not saying money is bad, so don’t get me wrong. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Loving it more than God and letting it make you. This lame man needed to be healed. This lame man needed his legs so that he could walk and potentially do more to make his own money and help others.
That’s why it is important to come from out of comfortable places and familiar surroundings because sometimes if your mindset doesn’t change in those places because this is what you have always saw, this is how mommy and them always done it, this is how it’s always been, change cannot take place.
It’s okay to ask God for things that we want and desire, but we cannot get upset with God when He gives us what we NEED instead. Some things He may give immediately. Some things we may have to wait and tarry for and then there are just some things that He has greater in mind for us and what it carries has purpose.
What you want might not necessarily be what you need. Rise up and walk out of that captive, limited, boxed in mindset. Amen!
Command your day to be great!