Close your thighs, open your eyes....
Wake up Ladies and Gentlemen too! It's time for you to take your power back and stop allowing every kind word, good gesture, nice look or hook to capture and entice you. Okay, his body is banging; he saying all the right stuff, he is complimenting you from every direction, he giving you this or that. She has every curve just right, her lips are tight, her backside is banging, her clothes fit just right.... her hips, lips and fingertips will cause you to dip and flip...
Everytime you make the decision that today I am going to open myself up to knowing this man or woman between the sheets, you are opening up a portal to allow sin to flow in. The more you get involved in it, the harder it is to get out of it. Sin grabs ahold of you with a tight grip and if you dont cut it off quick you will develop a demonic stronghold, struggle, pattern, that becomes an unheatlhy soul tie and lifestyle.
Every person you lay down with, you become spiritually connected too. You wonder why you have taken on different characteristics, it's spiritual. It's time to BREAK THE CHAINS, break the STRONGHOLDS because it is effecting you emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally and more.
Close your thighs and open your eyes. Although naturally we just think of a woman with her thighs open, I am speaking to both men and women alike.
With your legs open or your zipper down, your mind is closed. You become numb until its over. Well today we will not live another day giving our power to satan, opening up portals and doors that should remain closed until God sends you your wife or husband in marriage.
What will you do? Will you continue or will you stop? Will you allow satan to rule or God to reign in your life? You have a choice to make, and your decision is important for your destiny. I pray that today you will choose life. Sex can wait! I wish I could say that I waited and wasn't tied to so much sexual perversion and strongholds from my past, but today I am FREE and I am sharing with you. Make better decisions than I made.