PAUSE Break for a PRAISE Break!
Good morning PRAISING Life Speaker! PAUSE Break for a PRAISE Break Slow down whatever you are doing right now and take a PAUSE BREAK. ...

Whatever the RISKS....
Good morning WITNESSING Life Speaker! Whatever the RISKS…… Whatever the risks, realize and know that NOTHING done for God is ever wasted....

Repent, Regret, Renounce, Return, Refreshed, Restored... Ready?
Good morning REFRESHED Life Speaker! Repent Regret Renounce Return Refresh Restored….. Ready? 19 So REPENT [change your inner self—your...

What you WANT might not be what you NEED...
Good morning MORE THAN A CONQUEROR Life Speaker! What you want might not be what you need… A man LAME from his mother’s womb was carried...

Good morning LOVING, ATTRACTIVE Life Speaker! Are you attracting or distracting? Are we attracting people to Christ or distracting them...

When was the last time?
Good morning PERSISTENT Life Speaker When was the last time? When was the last time you were persistent about something? We don’t always...

Walls coming down TODAY!
Good morning FREE Life Speaker! Walls coming down today….. I was going somewhere else this morning, but this was still ringing in my...

You CAN profit from Trials and Tests...
Good morning ENDURING Life Speaker! You can profit from trials & test… Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you...

They must be drunk...
Good morning FILLED Life Speaker! They must be drunk! “They are full of new wine” Acts 2:13. The people had never seen anything like...

ONE Accord, ONE Place, FILLED....
Good morning FILLED Life Speaker! One Accord, One Place, Filled….. When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were ALL with ONE...